Renowned Japanese techno artist, often referred to as the "Techno God of the East," Ken Ishii collaborates once again with RISE & WIN Brewing Co. to revive the highly acclaimed "KIKK IPA" series. Among them, the "KIKK IPA 2022," which received awards at both the International Beer Cup 2022 and the Japan Brewers Cup 2023, is being re-brewed with original recipe due to high demand.

With its fruity and tropical aroma leading the way, the KIKK IPA 2022 boasts a robust body. Despite its higher alcohol content and bitterness, the aroma of alcohol and caramel remains subtle. This double IPA is characterized by its lavish use of hops, resulting in an incredibly juicy flavor profile.
International Beer Cup 2022: Silver Award in the Imperial India Pale Ale Style Keg Category
Japan Brewers Cup 2023: Ranked 4th out of 126 entries in the IPA category
Grab your chance to experience the magic of "KIKK IPA 2022" once again before it's gone!

Comment by Ken Ishii:
I am delighted to announce that the KIKK IPA 2022, released in 2022, received accolades at both the International Beer Cup and the Japan Brewers Cup, thanks to your support and collaboration with RISE & WIN Brewing Co. Due to popular demand, it has been re-brewed with the original recipe. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enjoy it once again!
-Ken Ishii (Artist/Techno DJ)

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  • Collaboration Beer Series with Renowned Japanese Techno Artist Ken Ishii Returns with "KIKK IPA 2022"!